Many people have dreams. Our dream,
God willing, is to be able to travel; see America and make new friends.
We hope this blog will help to keep friends and family informed of our adventures.
Wednesday & Thursday, September 26 & 27, 2018 We relocated to Show Low, AZ on Wednesday. We stayed at Woodfield RV Park. It is a 55+ park.
The sites here are not very wide and we barely had room to park our car. Also the site was barely long enough before it severely sloped towards the street. We never could get perfectly level. Also the streets were narrow and not easy to maneuver a 40' motorcoach. While it was a beautiful area, we will not return to this park with this rig. The other good thing about this park was that it is part of Passport America and we could get 3 nights at $25 each. Thursday we took a walk on the Rim walk in town. It was not as impressive as we expected based on the write-up.
Look at the knurled branches in the tree.
This is our first view from the canyon ridge.
This was the only high point along the walk.
Tic went down the hill a little ways to try for a better picture. Below was his view. All we could see were lots of pine trees. The pine forest was very dense.
Look how the rocks on the edge of the canyon seemed to be slipping away.
It is unusual to see these two trees, one a pine tree the other an alligator cypress, together because they require opposite growing conditions. Apparently this area along the Mogollon Rim is the only area were you will find these 2 trees growing together.
This is the sign showing the trail we walked. It was nice to get out and take a walk. Show Low and Pinetop are pretty towns. We did enjoy the weather and beauty of the area. We will be at our winter home, Desert Gardens RV Park, near Florence, AZ on Saturday.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Today we move from Socorro, NM to Pie Town, NM. Pie Town is known for its pies. We plan to have our share.
This is our last view from the Socorro rodeo grounds. Socorro is home of the mining college. I imagine they spend study time there.
This field of old windmills was next to the café below. Looks like a graveyard for windmills.
Pie-O-Neer is another pie café. However as you can tell, it is closed.
We headed to the Gatherin' Place to have pie. This was the only café open in Pie Town. Apparently they practice cooperative capitalism. When one café is open the others close. In other words, they trade off days being open. Interesting!
This truck was parked our front of The Gatherin' Place.
This is where the pies are made. Both ladies are making different batches of pies.
Here are the current pies ready to sell. As you can see they are smaller pies and most people share the pie eating the whole pie. The board below lists all the pies they make. However they don't make all of them all the time. And they don't make sweet potato peach pie at all!
This is the small eating area with several tables that seat about 8 people. Most people share a table.
This is the NM apple pie which has green chilies and pine nuts in it. Of course we had to have ice cream with it. We also bought a regular apple pie and a very berry pie to take with us. The following pictures are of our progressing sunset this evening.
It is supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow morning. We leave for Show Low, AZ in the morning.
Monday, September 24, 2018 Today we leave the Los Alamos area after visiting our daughter and family after 2+ months. We will miss all of them. We are headed to Socorro, NM for the night. We plan to arrive by noon.
We are parked in Socorro at the Socorro Rodeo Grounds RV park.
We are the only RV in the park. This is looking from behind the coach. Below is looking from the front of the coach. Nothing special, but only $25 with full hookups.
We are going to meet our friends, Bob and Kathi Hailey for lunch then head to the NWR. The Haileys are volunteering for 2+ months at Bosque del Apache NWR. We are blessed to have them give us a private guided tour of the refuge. This is basically a bird refuge. In October the crane start arriving for the winter. Unfortunately we are a few weeks too early to see the cranes. However we did get to see other types of birds etc.
Some of the pelicans had arrived.
It was a nice warm day and there were lots of turtles enjoying the sun.
Based on my bird app on my phone I think this is a black phoebe. It was small.
Tic even got this close-up of this dragonfly. Pretty cool!
We thought it was funny to see this turtle stretching.
This little doe was out grazing in the middle of the afternoon.
From this road in the park, we had beautiful views of the mountains.
I believe Kathi and Bob called these a Night Crane.
There are several ponds in the refuge. We got some great pictures!
This blue heron just landed near the pelicans. Beautiful birds!
Another beautiful pond area. This is early evening in Bosque del Apache.
This bird was sitting posed like this.
In the evening we saw these killdeers.
Isn't this blue heron magnificent?
There were a few large white herons also.
You can't tell the legs are yellow but they are. These birds above and below are named Yellowlegs.
The sun came out briefly and highlighted the pelicans.
Above and below are some pretty sunset pictures Tic got at the refuge.
Bob and Tic are taking pictures as I watch. Kathi took both the above and below pictures.
It was a wonderful afternoon and evening. We can't thank Kathi and Bob enough! We are going to have to plan a trip to Bosque del Apache in late October sometime. Tomorrow we head to Pie Town, NM.