Many people have dreams. Our dream,
God willing, is to be able to travel; see America and make new friends.
We hope this blog will help to keep friends and family informed of our adventures.
Today, our grandson, Oliver Ruxson (Rux) Privette, was welcomed to our world.
Jessica started labor about 11:30 am. The people in this picture left to right are: Rhonda (her best friend), George (Jessica's father), Beverly (George's wife) and Tic. I'm taking the picture. We've been waiting out here a while. One nurse walked by and told us the baby had blonde hair. Of course two people with blond hair and blue eyes, you would expect the child to also have blond hair and blue eyes.
Finally we got this picture via text.
A little later, the doctor came out. Dr. Dawson is in the middle, obviously.
Three hours after Rux was born we were finally allowed back to see our new grandson. James, Daddy, said he just got to hold him and he was not letting go. We could not blame him. We only stayed about 15 minutes. We left about 7:45 pm.
This picture came to me via text about 11:15 pm. Isn't he a precious bundle. Wednesday, January 27, 2016
We arrived at the hospital about 9:15am. She was nursing and the doctor arrived just after we got there. We waited in the waiting area again. About 10am we got to go in.
Oh yes! Nana W finally got to hold Rux. Look at this reddish blonde hair. He looks so much better today than he did just after birth. What a surprise!
Rux even opened one eye for Tic.
I got to hold him for at least 2 hours. That makes for an elated Nana!
I was burping him. He seemed to sleep right through it. When he was wrapped like this, we called him a burrito bundle. Too cute!
One of the nurses uncovered him in hopes to wake him up so he would nurse better. Didn't seem to bother him.
What a joy in my heart to watch my daughter as a mother!!
Rhonda came by while I was still there. Don't they both look happy!
Rhonda's daughter, Jessica, came by also. Rux seems happy just being held.
Well I, Dusty, have been in Los Alamos almost 3 weeks awaiting delivery of our new grandson. Below are a few pictures taken during this period. Most of this time Tic was back in Tucson with our coach.
This is a beautiful sunset in Tucson Tic shared with me while he was there and I was in Los Alamos.
Jessica and I have been doing lots of little projects around the house. We rearranged the kitchen, sterilized bottles, washed new baby clothes and got the baby's room finalized just to mention a few.
This is the baby's room showing the crib & special chair for mommy and baby. Isn't the mural on the wall so cute!
This is the other side of the room. The furniture is so beautiful!
January 23rd and James & Jessica are headed to the doctor again. Is today going to be the day??? BTW, that is sunlight shining on his head, not a bandage.
No not today. Jessica and I decided to take a walk to see if that would bring on contractions.
Well, today is Thursday, January 25. Doctor expected her to deliver by now so she is going back to doctor to check her progress. Well she came home again. She is almost 38 weeks now. The doctor will be out of town for the next 4 days so she is hoping it does not happen while the doctor is out of town.
Jessica wanted their sunroom painted. She chose a nice bright color. James got 2 coats on the wall. It is very unforgiving paint and is going to require a 3rd coat. Ugh!
Tic is finally back in Los Alamos with me. I've really missed him. James has been very busy with work, school and of course Jessica. Since Tic was here with time, he got the 3rd coat of paint on the sunroom wall.
I painted the edges. Here is the finished wall. Great color for a sunroom.
Here is Jessica enjoying her sunroom after it was put back together.
This is a really nice room to enjoy the early morning sun.
One day Tic and I drove to Santa Fe and had brunch at Wecks. Cute decorations.
We both ordered green chili enchiladas with 2 eggs on top. It came with hashbrowns and beans. WOW what a delicious meal!
Well we are still waiting. My next post will be about the arrival of the baby. Not sure when that will be.
Well once we got settled in Tucson/Marana, AZ at South Forty RV Park, I wanted to go to Los Alamos, NM so I could be with our daughter and await her delivery. On January 5 Tic & I left about 7:30am.
This was the sunrise as we were pulling out of the RV park.
The clouds just got more glorious! It was a bit overcast but that way the sun was not in our eyes as we headed east.
This is somewhere along I-10 headed north in New Mexico. It cleared off by the time we got to Los Alamos. It was about a 9 hour drive including stopping for a meal.
Jessica took this picture the day we arrived. She is just a couple of days over 36 weeks. Wednesday, January 6 is James' birthday. We wanted to be there to celebrate with him.
Overnight it snowed a few inches. We drove to the central park in Los Alamos proper. The above picture is the pond with a fountain. If you look closely you can tell the fountain is still running. Below show some metal art work near the pond.
Tic wanted to get back to the coach due to below freezing temps expected in Tucson. He wants to make sure we do not have any freeze problems. The picture above was the sunrise as Tic left on January 7.
It was overcast all the way home for Tic. Above is headed into Tucson, just before the rain started. Below is the RV park upon is arrival. He said it rained all through Tucson.
Tic stayed in Tucson for 2 full weeks and still no baby. I convinced Tic to come back to Los Alamos and wait with me.
On Tic's way back he drove through Hatch, NM. We saw the red chili fields being picked. Awesome pictures.
Jessica is almost 38 weeks now. She had a procedure done on January 12 and we all expected the baby to come that day or the next. Well today is January 21. Jessica is almost 38 weeks now. What a miracle.
We moved from Benson to Tucson today. The South Forty RV Park is actually in a little town called Marana on North side of Tucson. It actually has a Tucson address. We waited too long and had a hard time finding a place where we could stay for a month.
Our site is a little tight. Between the Jeep and the door of the coach you can get a peek at a picnic table on a small concrete pad. It is ours. You can see a picnic table and pad to the right of the coach. It is our neighbor's. So you can tell how tight the sites are. We are parked next to the wifi so do have good park wifi.
This is our site from the back side of the lot.
We have been getting some chores done. Tuesday Tic is taking me to Los Alamos in northern NM. Our daughter lives there and is expecting her first child in the next couple of weeks. We are EXCITED for her!!
Today we moved from Anthony, TX to Benson, AZ. We've traveled about 4 hours each day for the last 3 days. Those are long driving days for us.
The clouds along our trip were just magnificent. A picture could not take it all in. This is the best one.
Perched on a sign, searching for food, we got to see this bird (either a hawk or falcon, not sure).
We are at Arizona Legends in Benson. We met a couple there a couple of years ago. We've stopped in the last couple of years to visit them. This year we happen to be there on New Year's Eve. We joined several people in the clubhouse for their celebration.
This is the entrance to the clubhouse.
The pictures above and below are of a couple of displays in the entry area of the clubhouse. Lots of really special southwest art works.
The 3 pictures below are more art work scattered around.
The clubhouse is full of gorgeous southwestern art!
This is our sunset tonight. Soon we will be heading to the party.
This mural is in the big get-together room with the tables and chairs. We had as much fun as pictured here! ☺
Tomorrow we head to Tucson. We've been moving kind of fast the last few days. I want us to get settled in Tucson. Then Tic is going to take me to Los Alamos in northern NM. Our daughter lives there and is about to have her first child. We are excited for her and her husband of 3 years.