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Monday, April 28, 2014

Calabash - Sunset Beach & Waccamaw Lake & State Park

We finally got ourselves together and out to explore about 11 am today.  We drove to Calabash NC on the coast.  It was a quaint little town.  We needed to mail something.  Would you believe that we found the post office inside the Ace Hardware store?  It was unique.  We did not take a pictureThe US Post office sign was actually mounted on the outside front wall of the Ace Hardware.

After the post office, we walked on the shore near several fishing boats that could be chartered. 
 Look what Dusty did in a matter of minutes.  What a fisher person.  LOL
See the huge place across the waterway.  We found a way across and discovered it was actually town homes.  Dusty thought she saw a cross, but it turned out to be the porch supports of which there were several.  No cross at all.
Down the road we found this little park.
As we walked towards the little fishing pier we saw these large cactus. Dusty thought it was unique to see these large cactus in such a humid area.
Here is the pier under the bridge to Sunset Beach.  The tide was completely out.  See the water line on the bases of the supports for the bridge.
This is on the way down the bridge into Sunset Beach.
This was a beach entrance and a long fishing pier in Sunset Beach.
What an interesting kite someone was flying on the beach.
Here is a closer look at this interesting kite. 
From Sunset Beach we headed inland to Lake Waccamaw & Lake Waccamaw State Park.
The pine forests were thick on the road to Lake Waccamaw.

A 400 yard walkway to Lake Waccamaw.

As we walked along we could see a pavilion ahead.
Once we got to the pavillion the dock went out into the lake a ways.

The water had the color of tea, yet you could see the bottom.  We asked about the color and were told it was tannins from the soilThe park ranger told us the darker the color the better because it discouraged algae.  Dusty saw several large fish, but they swam away before she could get pictures.
 The lake is very large.
You cannot see all they way across the lake.  Amazing!
This is Lakeside Drive around Lake Waccamaw.  Beautiful!
This is one of the houses across the street from its boat dock on the lake.
Here are some of the piers across the street from the houses.  Obviously there is not enough ground between the piers and the street for the houses.  Beautiful drive!


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