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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tabor City, NC

We woke up today and decided to go to Tabor City to see the historic sites.  First I decided to start a load of laundry.  I went outside to open the drain line and saw this little green frog on the drain hose.
Tabor City is a small town with population of about 2600.  This clock was at the major intersection at Main Street & NC 701 in downtown.  
We made our way to the Visitors Center and learned that Tabor City used to be called Mt. Tabor.  The main industry used to be tobacco farming, however that is no longer the case.  Farming has diminished and changed to wheat, corn and soy mostly.  The town is trying to develop tourism.  Honestly there is not much to see.  One of the locals told us that the town is having difficulties.  The Visitor's Center gave us the keys to go see the one room school house and the train depot.
Here is the one room school house.
Tic went to a one room school house as a young child and says it was much the same.
These "Teacher Rules" were posted on one side of the room.  Read them.  They are VERY interesting.  They range from chores to courting to financial and on.
This "Teacher's Prayer" was posted on the opposite wall.  It is even appropriate for today.
Inside the school room on the side walls were display cases that were not locked and a person could actually pick up OLD school books and confederate monies among other things.
The key for the Train Depot did not work so we only got to look inside this caboose.  We returned the keys and then headed to Tabor City Lake.
This was the fishing pier that went out into the lake.  We could see houses all around the lake.  Some were spaced farther apart than others. See the gazebo across the lake?
Tic zoomed in on the gazebo and we could see a little bridge also.  Beautiful grounds.
This house was on another part of the lake.
This is looking up the lake away from the dam.
There a lots of rules for this little lake.  And the fees were surprising to us.
There was a small spillway going into a small creek.  We walked around and saw the Senior Center where they were serving lunch.  We were invited to stay for bingo a little later.  We declined.  After a picnic lunch on the fishing pier we headed home.  Later in the afternoon we headed into Myrtle Beach to see our grandson, Chase, play another baseball game.  It is fun to be able to be involved while we are here.

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