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Sunday, May 18, 2014

2014 Bike Week Myrtle Beach, SC

After spending two weeks in North Carolina, it was necessary to return to Myrtle Beach.  We had scheduled some work to be done on the MC, and that work facility was in Myrtle Beach.  Coincidentally, it was time for the 2014 Bike Week.  We saw streams of motorcycles when we were out running around, but we also had a camp full staying with us.  I'm pleased to say that they were respectful of quiet time.  So here are some of our temporary neighbors.
This is the setup for a Harley rider from New York; somewhere near Niagra Falls.

You can see that the garage for this trike is the front superstructure of the fifth wheel.

 In case you were wondering, yes, they were all staying in this bumper-pull trailer.  Cozy!

 Nice clean Harley!  No oil leaks, and remarkably quiet.  Some of the bikes were louder than factory.  Imagine that!

 This is one of the other versions of three-wheelers we saw.  We actually saw several that were somewhat similar to this one, but that had a full roof.  Everytime we saw one it was traveling too fast to grab a photo.  Another New York couple in a pickup truck camper.

 The same New York couple with this beautiful Indian

More, More More, ...........

 The last two are not the same bike; one has saddlebags.

 If you look closely in the windscreen of this sidehack, (seems like there should be a better term for a rig like this), you will see a handicap placard.  We did not see the owners.  This was parked at Costco.

And finally, you would never guess who rides this next bike .........
 If I had not seen him with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it either.  But, evidently, Santa Claus takes a break during the Myrtle Beach Bike Week and leaves the elves in charge.
 Till next time, be safe!  Praise God!

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