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Thursday, May 15, 2014

LW Paul Living History Farm Conway, SC

Wednesday May 14, we were out running errands when we happened on this farm.  It looked interesting so we stopped.  It was very interesting!  Larry Paul, a local businessman with a rich farming heritage in Horry County, offered to fund the construction of a family farm to depict farm and domestic life in Horry County from 1900-1955.  Mr. Paul's vision was to provide Horry County and the museum with a facility to educate future generations about life in Horry County during the first half of the twentieth centuryIn 2006, Horry County Council designated 17 acres of land for use by the Horry County Museum as the L W Paul Living History Farm.  This was free to walk thru.
Here are the various workshop areas.  Individual pictures below.
This is the first building.
The sugar cane was cooked here.
The is the second house in the row.
This is the grist mill motor.
Here is the grist mill.
This is the 3rd building in the row of buildings.  One side was the carpenter's shop and the other side was the blacksmith's shop.
Carpenter's shop.
  Blacksmith's side.
 Here is the lumber mill.
Can you see the large saw blade at the back of the roller assembly?
The tobacco drying building was a little ways out in the pasture.
Tobacco drying building.
They used this wagon to haul the tobacco to this building.  We could see bundled dry tobacco when we opened the wooden door.  There were a couple of men actually tending the crop field.
We were told this is collards that have gone to seed.  They freeze the seeds and sell them.
The smoke house was across the field opposite the tobacco drying shed.
When we opened the door of the smokehouse there was some beef hanging.  Hopefully it was fake.  The pack house was next.
The mules were also housed here.
Dusty next to the pack house.
The outhouse was about half way between the pack house and the farm house. 
Dusty couldn't wait.  Hee Hee. 
There was one pot belly stove in the front living area to provide heat and a wood burning stove in the back kitchen area to heat the back of the house.  There were two separate bedrooms also.  Below is a couple of pictures of us and the grandchildren that Tic had on his phone.
Tic did a great job of a selfie of all of us.
Chase and Isabel on Tic's knees.  Isabel was already starting to slip before I got the picture.
Today is Thursday May 15th and it has rained most of the day.  It is supposed to rain thru most of the night and clear off in the morning.  We feel blessed to have a nice dry home.


1 comment:

  1. GREAT pics. Thanks for sharing. Loved the bikes. Happy trails, Mike.
