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Monday, September 3, 2018

Los Alamos NM Rodeo Day - Part 2

Saturday, August 11, 2018 continued

After the Arts and Craft Fair, we headed home for lunch. Then we took off about 1:30pm to go to the rodeo.

This was one of the most unique rodeos I've ever attended.
 It started out with muttin busting. Notice the rodeo clown in training in the next couple of pictures.

 Next was bull riding for 12 & 13 year olds. Seems too young.

Then bull riding for 14-18.

 They had several events for the kids. This little princess joined in on the boot run. They all had to take their shoes off and leave them in a pile. Then the shoes were scattered around. See below. The kids had to back off about 20 yards. At the whistle they all ran for the shoes. The first one to find their shoes, put them on and get back to the start line won.

 There was barrel racing for the young ones. Below was the youngest entry. Mom led the horse around all the barrells.

Then the teens & adults had their turn at barrel racing.

The remainder of the pictures show an event called "The Rescue". 2 People on a horse at the start line rode down to a barrel which the back person had to stand on. The rider then went back to the start line, raced to the barrel, put the person standing on the barrel on the back of the horse and raced back to the start line.

There were adults with their kids being rescued and kids rescuing kids.  It was fun to watch.
      This was the bulk of the rodeo for today. The rodeo was starting an hour earlier tomorrow, but we have other plans. We guessed the adult bull riding along with the usual rodeo events was probably on Sunday.  It was a good time.

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