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Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4th Celebrations

Friday July 4th

We slept in a bit this morning.  After breakfast I felt energetic and the weather was beautiful, so I decided to wash the coach.  It took me a couple of hours.  Tic helped by using the squeegee on the windows and sides of the coach.  

After we finished washing the coach, we took off for South Range, MI for a small town 4th celebration.  We went by Keweenaw Brewery Company that was in town and giving away one free beer per person.  They let you walk thru the plant also.
These are the brewing tanks.

 These are empty cans getting ready to be filled and the tops added.

This is the area where the cans are filled and the tops of the cans put on.

Each can on this map is a different flavor of beer.  We think that where the cans are located on the map is the area where the flavor was developed.

This was the beer Tic got.  As you can see it was called the Widow Maker Black Ale.  Widow Maker named after a pneumatic drill that operated without benefit of water to lubricate the bit and cut the dust.  This bit was introduced to Copper Country mining in the 1890's.  While greatly improving productivity, the drill became known as the "Widowmaker", because it killed many of the miners who used it from illnesses related to prolonged dust inhalation.

Next we watched a young man carve with a chainsaw.  He was really good.

The 3 pictures above are pieces of his work he has for sale.
This piece was amazing and very reasonably priced compared to some we have seen in our travels.

Here is another one we especially liked since our coach is a Beaver brand.  We asked him if could make a small beaver by itself for less money.  He said he would have it ready for us to see on Monday.  AND if we do not like it there is no obligation to buy it.  He said he could sell it no problem.  I'm excited.  We can set it out in front of our home every time we park.

Here is one he did for himself.  What talent!

The parade started soon after this.  It was your typical small town parade.
Here comes the color guards.  Below is the Veterans of Foreign Wars jeep.

A parade would not be complete without a marching band,
kids on bicycles, men on roller blades,
fire engines and of course a huge snow blade truck.
Look at the size of that blade! I guess that tells you how much snow they get up here. HeeHee
Next there were a few old cars.
Isn't this one pretty?
They even had a trolly car.
Here is a display representing Quincy Mine.
And of course Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty.  She turned her head just as Tic took the picture.
Towards the end of the parade was this cute little train.  The thing Tic & I noticed missing was the Sheriff's Mounted Patrol & their horses.  There were not any horses in this parade.

We chose not to battle the traffic and go to any organized fireworks.  However we sat outside and watched the beautiful sunset.
This is God's fireworks for July 4th.

Hope all had a wonderful 4th of July celebration.


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