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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Logging Festival & Antique Car Show in Marianette, WI

Sunday, July 13

We woke up early and decided to head to Marianette, WI which is on the boarder of WI and MI.
There was a Logging Festival with antique cars show happening.  The drive was about 1.5 hrs one way.  It was a beautiful day (mostly sunny with high of 75 degrees) so we took a scenic route.

We drove thru the town of Oconto.  Here is its town clock.  Lots of the towns we have gone thru have town clocks.  We have not gotten pictures of them all.  There were lots of interesting houses in this town also.  
This was a pretty house with a double chimney.  See below, the porch wrapped around on the other side.
Another interesting house.
This interesting house also had a unique color scheme.

We decided to go the parking area where a free shuttle to the festival was.  That happened to be across the Menominee River which was the border to MI.  We ate our picnic lunch at a county park that was on the river.  The park was right across from a ship building company that builds big ships for the navy.
This one is supposed to be finished by December.
If I remember correctly this one had another year before it would be finished. 

As we rode the shuttle to the festival we crossed back into WI.
 The festival was right on the Menominee River.

This greeted us as we entered the festival.

The 2 pictures above show an over view of the cars on display.  Below are a few of the cars that stood out to me.
Look at this beautifully restored Cadillac.
Tic built a dune buggy in his past life so found this fun to look at.
The owner of this car made a matching trailer.  Cute!
Here is a Model A with a rumble seat.  Tic remembers riding in a rumble seat as a small child.
Here is a fun flame job.  He is pulling in and parking.
Here is another really beautiful Ford.

Then we walked to the other side of the park to watch a logging competition that was supposed to start soon. While we were waiting I notice a bald eagle sitting on a power pole across the river.
With the zoom, Tic was able to get a good picture.  He stayed perched on this pole for at least an 1/2 hour.
He took off and was really fast.  The white you see are his tail feathers.

The logging competition started off with sawing a thin piece off the log.
Next was axe throwing.  Green was worth 1 point, yellow worth 3 points and red worth 5 points.  Each person had 3 throws.  This is only one picture.  This same person hit the red on his last throw.
Next they insert the plank they are standing on in a divet on the side of the log and balance while chopping the log into 2 pieces.  They must strike the log from both sides for it to qualify.

Then they had to climb these 14 foot poles and get back down.  The fastest won.  This quy was like a monkey.  He made it up really fast and then did a free-fall most of the way down with the rope still around the pole.
The final competition was to see who could get the other one to fall off the log.  They even kicked the water and splashed the opponent to distract them.  All the events were fun to watch.

After the loggers we sat in the shade and people-watched while listening to a couple of clowns and then a band.  It was a beautiful day.  High about 75 degrees and slight breeze.  We left the festival about 4pm and headed for Culver's and had hamburgers and concrete mixers AGAIN.  This has become our favorite ice cream treat.  Culver's uses custard instead of soft ice cream.  Yummy!!

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