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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Jane and Mike's new condo in Sunset Beach, NC

July 12, 2016

Our friends, Mike and Jane, decided to sell their home in Connecticut and get a condo in Sunset Beach, NC.  Below are pictures of the condo they bought.
Their condo unit is on an end of 4 connected units. 

This is their backyard.  Their yard backs onto the golf course.

This is the front of their condo.  Their grounds are well maintained.

Here's Jane and Mike enjoying their new back porch.  We are so excited for them.  They plan to do some remodeling so it will be fun to see the finished project the next time we are in the area.

1 comment:

  1. Condos are steadily increasing in popularity. In the heart of a densely populated city, apartment style condo living is almost inevitable. Some have all the desirable unit amenities as well as common area activity rooms. There are. however, also condos for people like Jane and Mike who like living next to a golf course and sitting in their backyard.
