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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Carcross, BC to Skagway, AK and back to Carcross

We have not had internet nor cell service for several days, so it is catch-up time again.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

We decided to camp in Carcross and drive to Skagway.  We thought it would be easier/faster crossing the border in the Jeep only.

This scenic stop overlooked Bove Island in Nares Lake. Beautiful!

Both above and below are more views of Nares Lake.  Nares is a large lake.

The rock formations were fascinating.  

Now we are starting to see glaciers.

The hillsides look "bumpy". Even has patches of snow still.

The mountains in the background have such sharp pointy peaks. Then the rocks around the Skagway River are unique also, set in clusters of little lakes.

Tic zoomed in on this glacier. WOW!

We saw water falls everywhere.  I enjoy waterfalls.

Here we are crossing back into Alaska again. As you can tell it is an overcast day again.

More waterfalls.

Look how colorful this massive cliff is.

We are looking into the sun but above is the whole pitchfork waterfall. Below is a closeup the pitchfork part of the waterfall.

These are the mountains we see from the train waiting area in Skagway. We've decided to take the train ride from Skagway to White Pass. The train runs a little different route than the highway. The post for the train ride will be a separate post.

Above and below are just a couple of the unique buildings in Skagway. Below is the Arctic Brotherhood Hall which houses the visitors center now. The front is made up of more than 8,833 driftwood sticks in a mosaic pattern.

This statue represents many of the stampeders that came to this area.

Unfortunately we are facing into the sun again. This is another monument dedicated to the gold miners that landed here and headed up the Klondike trail.

To the left side of the picture is one of the original steam engines. To the right is a snowblower on the front of a large engine used to clear the tracks.

We've seen a lot of construction in our journey but this one is very impressive. Look at the height of this bridge.

We are headed back and seeing the Skagway River from a different view. It is alluring to me. Below is a close-up of the islands in the river.

We are glad we made the drive to Skagway. It was really gorgeous!

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