Many people have dreams. Our dream,
God willing, is to be able to travel; see America and make new friends.
We hope this blog will help to keep friends and family informed of our adventures.
Today we decided to find the part of the Petroglyphs National Monument that actually had petroglyphs. We had success! This area was identified and made into a national monument in 5 years. Many people pushed for it because Albuquerque was encroaching on the area.
This is the hill we climbed to find most of the petroglyphs. We watched a movie at the visitor center and learned that this area was a path that several different groups traveled through on their way somewhere else. Each group left petroglyphs on these lava rocks.
Part way up the hill, we could see how close housing got to this area.
The following pictures are of some of the petroglyphs we saw.
Lots of interesting petroglyphs. Hope I didn't put too many pictures.
The pictures both above and below are of tonight's sunset!
God has blessed us with another wonderful day of getting to enjoy His Glory.
We decided today would be movie day. We found movie theaters that had good discounts for seniors, so we saw 2 movies today. I believe that is a first for us. We saw The Intern first. We enjoyed it a lot! Then we shared a subway sandwich. Next we saw the movie Max, about a specially trained war dog. It was good too. Time to go home for dinner.
We had a beautiful sunset this evening.
The moon is just above the mountains. It looks golden because of the dust in the air.
About an hour later, the moon was high enough to be bright and shiny.
Albuquerque broke a high temperature record today, so it was nice to be indoors today. It made for a different day. God blessed us with a beautiful ending!
After watching our church on the internet, I wanted to take a hike. We headed to....
I thought we would get to see some petroglyphs. NOT! I did not notice the sign said Volcanoes.
There are 3 trails, but some were closed.
We took this trail and had a view of the city. It was already about 80 degrees. We were looking into the sun, so no picture.
Here is the other volcano top at this park.
We did see this unique looking lizard. The rest of the visit was not very interesting. I was really disappointed. Apparently the area of the park with the petroglyphs is accessed from another entrance. Another time I guess.
Today we move to Enchanted Trails RV Park in Albuquerque, NM.
This park is on the Historic Route 66 as you can see. Inside the park they have a barn full of antiques (no pictures) and several old cars and RVs.
The car is a 1954 Hudson Commadore and the trailer is a 1954 Vakashunette. You can tell they keep these all polished.
I'm not sure what year this Hudson "Super Six" is.
Here is a 1956 Yellowstone Geneva.
How about this 1963 Winnebago Dot. Cute!
Here is our parking spot. As you can see we are on an end. We are close to our neighbor on the driver's side. There are a few trees around, but no shade for us.
We were told if we wanted the best green chili burger ever, we needed to go to the Route 66 Pit Stop just down the road.
Here's the inside of the Route 66 Pit Stop. We were advised to get the Laguna Burger and onion rings.
This is the Laguna Burger with onion rings. The patty was hand made. DELICIOUS!
Look good??
There were even T-shirts advertising the Laguna Burger. I later learned that the Laguna Indians own the Pit Stop, thus the name for the burger.
Friday night we had a beautiful sunset.
Later that night, the moon looked full in the clear sky.
Since the trees are changing colors here, we decided to drive up to Sandia Crest this morning. Sandia Crest overlooks the city of Albuquerque, NM
During the drive up, there was road construction with one lane closed. We managed to hit it just right on the way up and did not have to wait for the pilot car. However, on the way down, we had to wait about 10 mins for the pilot car.
WOW! This is the view from the top of the crest at 10,378 ft elevation. We started at about 5300 ft elevation. Quite a climb.
The following 3 pictures are still from the Sandia Crest.
The picture above was taken on a walking trail at the crest.
This was taken on our way back down. The hillsides were beautiful!
We drove the "back way" to Santa Fe, NM, driving thru the town of Madrid. Sorry, no pictures. Traffic was just a crawl becaause of all the tourists. We got to Santa Fe about lunch time so stopped at the Blue Corn Cafe and had a green chili lunch.
Tic had green chili stew and I had huevos rancheros. Both were delicious. As usual we were half through our food before we thought about taking a picture. Both were good!
We ordered new vision glasses for Dusty, the returned to Albuquerque. Her glasses should be ready in a week and we will be in Los Alamos then, so it will be close to pick them up.
Today we move to Red Rock Park. It used to be a NM state park, but is now run by the city of Gallup.
The drive out of Cortez / Towaoc area was pretty. We kept seeing huge lone rock formations. See the following 6 pictures.
This is the only one I know the name of. It is Shiprock.
After the rock formations stopped it was a blah trip into Gallup.
We arrived at Red Rock Park and were told to pick a spot and the park ranger would be by in the evening to collect. The park is laid our very confusingly. We drove around in the Jeep and picked a spot.
The site we chose was mostly level, which most were not. We have electric and water. There is a dump, but we are staying only 1 night.
There is a large red rock formation around the park. See the pictures below.
There were only about 5 or 6 other RVs in the park when we arrived about noon. You cannot see any of them in this picture. As the day wore on, about 8 other RVs arrived.
Just before sunset, this big Prevost pulled in and parked just in front of us.
There were lots of prairie dogs running all over the place. This one stopped to nibble on some weeds just in front of our coach. Tomorrow we head to Albuquerque.