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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Albuquerque, NM - Enchanted Trails RV Park

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Today we move to Enchanted Trails RV Park in Albuquerque, NM.
This park is on the Historic Route 66 as you can see.  Inside the park they have a barn full of antiques (no pictures) and several old cars and RVs.  

The car is a 1954 Hudson Commadore and the trailer is a 1954 Vakashunette. You can tell they keep these all polished.

I'm not sure what year this Hudson "Super Six" is.

Here is a 1956 Yellowstone Geneva.

How about this 1963 Winnebago Dot.  Cute!

Here is our parking spot.  As you can see we are on an end.  We are close to our neighbor on the driver's side.  There are a few trees around, but no shade for us.

We were told if we wanted the best green chili burger ever, we needed to go to the Route 66 Pit Stop just down the road.
Here's the inside of the Route 66 Pit Stop.  We were advised to get the Laguna Burger and onion rings.
This is the Laguna Burger with onion rings.  The patty was hand made.  DELICIOUS!
Look good??

There were even T-shirts advertising the Laguna Burger.  I later learned that the Laguna Indians own the Pit Stop, thus the name for the burger.

Friday night we had a beautiful sunset.

Later that night, the moon looked full in the clear sky.

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