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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sedona, AZ Day 1, Part 1

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We actually arrived in Sedona yesterday, Monday, but spent the day setting up and settling in.  We also planned a big day for Tuesday.

We packed a lunch and left about 9am headed to Sedona.
Our first stop was the Red Rock Ranger Station/Visitor Center.  This sign was out front showing the names of the rock formations you could see from this point.
This is Bell Rock on the left and Courthouse Butte on the right taken from the ranger station.
We are at Bell Rock now.  This is how it looks from the parking lot.  We are facing East at this time.  You could climb a lot of the way up if you choose.  We did not.
From the same parking lot you could see Courthouse Butte close up.  So awesome!
When Tic turned and faced west this is the view.  Wow we are so moved by all of God's handiwork.  It is hard to see, but there is a little white spot on the left side about half way down.  Can you see it?  It is called the Chapel of the Holy Cross.  We are going there shortly and I will have a closeup of it.  I was surprised we could see it so far away.
This is a westward view from a little ways down the trail.
I saw this formation and thought of a person standing guard so had to have a picture.
This is Cathedral Rock from the same parking lot.  We will have pictures of this rock formation from several angles as we traveled around Sedona.
This is the Chapel of the Holy Cross from the road just below it.  You can go to the internet to learn about this place.
As we walked up the hill to the chapel we saw these majestic formations.
These beautiful lilies were growing out of the rock and were still open about 11am.
 We were almost to the top of the hill and the chapel when we saw the cactus and flowers growing in this crevice. 
It wasn't enough that flowers were growing out of the rocks, now a tree.  God is great!
This is part of a beautiful flower garden just outside the entrance to the chapel.
From the entrance area outside the church we could look down the hill at this home.  See the small waterfall on the left side.  See the picture below.
This is the pond and gazebo at the bottom of the waterfall.  Wish I knew who lived there.

We left the Chapel and headed more into Sedona.
This is a pretty waterfall we saw at an entrance to a housing area.  Sedona is so beautiful!


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