It was starting to get hot back in Tucson, so we wanted to move North and to a higher elevation so temperatures would be more to our liking. Today in Sedona, it was in the high 50's threatening to rain and was cloudy and windy. Wonderful weather! So no hikes today, just driving to see what we can see.
Red Rock State Park was our destination. More red rocks to see too!
The State Park here is somewhat small, with picnic areas, a visitor center-gift shop, but offers many hiking trails. Worth coming back to when the weather is more appropriate for our tastes.
As you approach the visitor center, you realize it is down a level from the parking area. You can walk out onto the roof and have this neat view. This is a restoration project of "House of Apache Fires".
House of Apache Fire built on the Smoke Trail Ranch by Helen and Jack Frye. The couple puchased several hundred acres in the area known as "Red Rock" in 1941, deciding to build a vacation retreat on the property. Unfortunately the couple were divorced before the innovatively styled home was completed. Helen remained a resident of Sedona for many years. Image below from web search.
The home blends well with the environment.
The visitors center has interesting exhibits and fun things for children.
The water flowed into the bottom container making cool splashing sounds. Excuse me while I locate the restroom.
Many hummingbirds. They are so fast!
Once again, time to move along. Looks like the weather is starting to break and we will have sunshine again soon.
We have decided to try to find the trailhead for a "vortex site" and perhaps make that a destination on a better day.
Definitely clearing, everything is getting lighter, even though it is getting later in the day.
Looking back to the East, you can still see signs of rain.
Finally, one last look at the red rocks and then off to the grocery store to find something for dinner.
Thank you Lord for blessing us!
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